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Implementing Partners

Implementing partner organizations are sought to coordinate the above- mentioned components on behalf of The National Treasury. The partners will work under the supervision and oversight of the RK-FINFA PMU. The RK-FINFA’s Project Implementation Manual (PIM) provides a description for the Implementing Partner selection, onboarding, tasks and responsibilities.
Outside IFAD projects, RK-FINFA is largely built of implementation partnerships with Kenyan financial institutions serving the rural market. In addition, three leading NGOs supporting the sector expressed interest to join RK-FINFA as implementing and co-financing partners: Financial Sector Deepening (FSD-K), Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), and the AMEA network in Kenya through its lead NGO, Cordaid International.

Other implementing agencies and partners are Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Ministry of Trade, Investments and Industry, Ministry of Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Information, Communications and The Digital Economy, The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), Sacco and Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) and the Kenya Bankers Association (KBA).