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  • Rural Kenya Financial Inclusion Facility (RK-FINFA)

    Fish pond at Kahawa AFS Group, Kisumu

  • Rural Kenya Financial Inclusion Facility (RK-FINFA)

    ABDP Beneficiary feeding his fish, Kisumu

  • Suka Farmers Cooperative Nakuru

    Rural Kenya Financial Inclusion Facility (RK-FINFA)

Rural Kenya Financial Inclusion Facility (RK-FINFA)

RK-FINFA is a six-year development project financed jointly by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Kenya (GoK). RK-FINFA supports the transformation of rural and smallholder agriculture sector through private sector-led development by improving the access of the smallholder farmers and rural micro, small and medium enterprises to appropriate financial services.


Actualizing Rural Finance

Fish preparation in a hotel
Fish preparation in a hotel

Alignment of the R-CGS and GFF to the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) 2022-2027

The instruments will enhance financial access that will support the BETA’s agriculture and MSME economy pillars. This will be achieved through improving agricultural production and productivity, creation of equitable employment opportunities, innovative and resilient production systems, and increased incomes for smallholders, poor and marginalised rural households, women and youth.


Project Components

Technical Support and Innovation Services

Technical Support and Innovation Services

This intervention aims to improve the capacity of PFIs to provide financial services to rural agricultural value chain actors and capacity in form of financial literacy

Rural Investment Instruments

Rural Investment Instruments

RK-FINFA operate with two rural investment instruments:- Rural Credit Guarantee Scheme (R-CGS) and Green Financing Facility (GFF)

Enabling Rural Finance Environment and Project Coordination

Enabling Rural Finance Environment and Project Coordination

Promote policies and institutional arrangements that support the medium and longterm development